

Minggu, 30 Agustus 2015

Original Launch X431 Auto iDiag scanner for IPAD and Iphone X431 scanner Launch X431 Auto Diag

Original Launch X431 Auto iDiag scanner for IPAD and Iphone X431 scanner Launch X431 Auto Diag Rp. 1.500.000,- iDiag Functions: 1. OBDII full function 2. Search and help OBDII DTCs, display data stream graph 3. Support record and playback the tested data stream 4. Support basic diagnostic function for all systems of one single vehicle model 5. Support basic diagnostic function for all systems of multiple vehicle models 6. Support basic diagnostic function for all systems of all vehicle models 7. Create maintenance database 8. "My zone" functions 9. Establish public and private maintenance social circle 10. Provide instant information 11. Support online update Original Launch X431 iDiag Auto Diag Scanner for Padmini OBD2 Code Creader Highlights: 1....

Original Launch X431 Auto IDiag Scanner for IPAD and iPhone

Original Launch X431 Auto IDiag Scanner for IPAD and iPhone Rp. 1.500.00,- iDiag Functions: 1. OBDII full function 2. Search and help OBDII DTCs, display data stream graph 3. Support record and playback the tested data stream 4. Support basic diagnostic function for all systems of one single vehicle model 5. Support basic diagnostic function for all systems of multiple vehicle models 6. Support basic diagnostic function for all systems of all vehicle models 7. Create maintenance database 8. "My zone" functions 9. Establish public and private maintenance social circle 10. Provide instant information 11. Support online update Unit Car Model: 66USD Asia Car Software Bundle: 699usd Total 42 Car Models Asia Car Software...

Jumat, 28 Agustus 2015

2015 Super Auto Code Reader Launch CReader VI Plus + JOBD OBD2 100 Original CReader VI

2015 Super Auto Code Reader Launch CReader VI  Plus + JOBD OBD2 100 Original CReader VI Plus Diagnostic Tool  Creader 6 + Original Rp  1.750.000  Produk Pendahuluan: Creader VI + (code reader) adalah alat diagnostik kerusakan mobil otomotif bai yang lama maupun yang baru dan dirancang khusus untuk pengguna dan pemeliharaan mobil agar dapat mendapatkan data yang akurat, Mengingat fungsinya yang sangat optimal yaitu untuk mobil JOBD dan EOBD launch Creader Plus layak dimilikki oleh bengkel besal dan kecil ,  Produk ini telah menggunkan LCD warna, dengan desain menu fungsi yang sangat mudah digunakan (user-friendly), Disamping itu dukungan penuh JOBD & EOBD serta OBD2 sehingga sangat cocok sekali untuk kendaraan...

100% Original Auto Diagnostic tool Launch X431 IV Master Version Launch X431 4

100% Original Auto Diagnostic tool Launch X431 IV Master Version Launch X431 4 100% Original Auto Diagnostic tool Launch X431 IV Master Version Free Update via internet  Rp 18.500.000 2015 New Launch X431 IV Master Professional Auto Diagnostic Tool Scanner Introduction:   X-431 IV is an classic,economical,simple,steady vehicle diagnostic tool newly released by Launch. It follows the open platform of X431 series, also it inherits many advantages of X431 including a wide coverage of vehicle models, powerful testing functions and accurate test data. At the same time,the unique rotatable diagnostic connector design is convenient for use's operating.It's a cost-effective diagnostic product on the market.      Feature:   a)Diagnostic...

Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

DC Step Down Converter Step down Adjustable Power Module Charge

DC Step Down Converter  Step down Adjustable Power Module Charge DC Step Down Converter Rp 125.000 Specification: Highlights: ·         Contains the voltmeter, ammeter, power meter, USB interface for charging the digital products. Note: 1.    When you use the product, the module inputs and outputs to be isolated from ground. 2.    USB output voltage is consistent with the module, not a fixed 5V output. When charging for digital equipment, make sure the USB output voltage is 5V. 3.    Some customers report: "The module can not adjust the output voltage is always equal to the input voltage." When you encounter this problem, please...

Senin, 24 Agustus 2015

Software untuk elm327 TORQUE pro

Software untuk elm327 TORQUE pro Download link http://www.4shared.com/mobile/loiLgARuba/TORQUE_PRO.h...

driver Cp210x

driver Cp210x bagi rekan rekan yang membutuhkan driver Cp210x ini link download nya, monggo di sedooooot link Download   https://mega.nz/#!5dhVHJib!h-eEedQF-ZMG3QSTA9zWxPKhnmKvx7EggAqfsheME-0 copy vaste link tersebut di bar browsing , anda akan masuk ke mega download tinggal clik download, thanks ...

Minggu, 23 Agustus 2015

Scanner untuk Nissan obd2 , Nissan Consult 3 Diagnostic

Scanner untuk Nissan obd2 , Nissan Consult 3 Diagnostic Professional OBD2 Scan Tool For NISSAN CONSULT 3 Interface Without Bluetooth Fungsi: 1. Diagnosis sisten dengan cepat atau perbaikan system secara otomatis 2. Pemilihan komunikasi dengan CAN secara otomatis dan akurat serta identifikasi kerusakan dengan sangat cepat 17 kali lebih cepat daripada metode sebelumnya,dimana sistem diagnostik harus dilengkapi dengan layanan manual. 3. Perbaikan yang melibatkan pemrograman ulang atau flas ecu pada kendaraan dapat diselesaikan dengan mudah 4. Automated Self-Diagnostik, Sistem ini mampu melakukan diagnosis yang akurat tanpa harus bergantung pada kemampuan diagnostik staf teknis maka alat ini layak untuk dimiliki mengingat sangat  efisiens 5....

Jumat, 14 Agustus 2015

PWM dengan Display DC 6V-30V 6V 12V 8A Max PWM DC Motor Speed Regulator Controller Switch With digital Display

PWM dengan Display DC 6V-30V 6V 12V 8A Max PWM DC Motor Speed Regulator Controller Switch With  digital Display Description • 100% brand new and high quality. • Input supply voltage: 6V-30V DC • Output current: Rated current 5A (8A MAX, can not be prolonged) • PWM frequency: 16kHz • Duty Cycle adjustable: 0%-100% • The digital display the duty ratio • Dimension:97*42*24mm • The Motor Speed Controller allows controlling the direction of a DC motor using a Pulse-Width-Modulated (PWM) DC voltage with a Duty Cycle fully adjustable from 0%-100%. • The motor speed controller can easily provide a continuous current of 8A to your DC motor or other DC load. The circuit also includes the function of digital display whose digital tube display...

Selasa, 04 Agustus 2015

Tes Tekanan kompresi mesin diesel Tester Diesel Cylinder Pressure Gauge dan oil pressure Gauge 1000psi

Tes Tekanan kompresi mesin diesel Tester  Diesel Cylinder Pressure Gauge dan oil pressure Gauge 1000psi • Cek kompresi mesin diesel dalam kondisi cranking • Adapter kopling Kecil yang bertujuan untuk kecepatan dan keamanan • Selang Fleksibel (355 mm) memberikan akses injektor port • Skala Ganda 80 mm Gauge diameter atau 2 skala 0-1000 Lb / Di dan 0-70 bar • Untuk Tes Tekanan Kompresi  Diesel Direct dan In-Direct Mesin Kit dilengkapi dengan Berbagai Macam tipe adaptor jadi bisa digunakan untuk semua mobil diesel baik Direct dan In-Direct • Injector Adapter 75mm Panjang dengan M20 x 1,5 Thread • Injector Adapter 73mm Panjang dengan M22 x 1,5 Thread • Injector Adapter 88mm Panjang dengan M24 x 1,5 Thread • Injector Adapter...

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