

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2016

Update Scanner Zeus 12 in 1 MST 100P

Update Scanner Zeus 12 in 1 MST 100P Bagi anda yang mempunyai scanner Zeus Mst100, Kami siap bantu Update ke Versi 2.72  per , bisa hubungi Kami Hp. 081332787811 Versi 2 2.72 Scanner Zeus Mst100p Mendukung Motor : 1. Honda 2. SYM 3. Kymco 4. Yamaha 5. Vespa/Piaggio 6. Suzuki 7. Aeon 8. PGO 9. Harford 10. Benelli 11. KTM 12. Kawasaki Scanner Universal Zeus 12 in 1 MST 100P  adalah scanner yang lengkap dan praktis, teknologi canggih, dan mudah dipelajari. Scanner ini kompatibel dengan motor-motor injeksi yang sudah banyak beredar di indonesia, seperti : HONDA, SYM, KYMCO, YAMAHA, VESPA/PIAGGIO, SUZUKI, AEON, PGO, HARFORD, BENELLI, KTM, KAWASAKI Handheld Motorcycle Scanner Support motor Indonesia MST-100P Fetures: • Support...

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016

Adaptor Kabel EasyDiag 100% ORIGINAL LAUNCH X431  ORIGINAL LAUNCH PRO PRO3 Extend Cable OBD II Cable Connector OBDII Adaptor OBD2 Cables OBD 2 Launch x431 Short OBD extension cable for iDiag, EasyDiag, PRO, PRO3 Agus Yulianto Perum Puri Astapada Indah 2 Blok K No:6 Plosogeneng Kec Jombang, Kab.Jombang, Jawa Timur 61416 Alamat Lokasi toko/rumah Google map https://goo.gl/maps/7NZ4HMSYvvJ2 Hp.  0813-3278-7811 0857-4623-3838 Kantor  0321-852845 Web  : www.obd2jatim.com Blog  : http://obd2murah.blogspot.com http://Toolsteknik.blogspot.com Tokopedia https://www.tokopedia.com/obd2/launch-x431-adaptor-cable-for-idiag-easydiag-pro-pro3?n=1 Bukalapak https://www.bukalapak.com/p/mobil-part-dan-aksesoris/aksesoris-mobil/aksesoris-interior/3ximwn-jual-kabel-adaptor-pendek-100-original-launch-x431 Facebook...

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

Launch Easydiag dan Idiag X-431 PRO3 210 Car

Launch Easydiag dan Idiag X-431 PRO3 Rp 1.500.000,-  belum termasuk software Scanner Universal launch Easydiag dan Idiag X431 PRO3 Mencakup 210 Car bahkan lebih termasuk car Asia Eropa, Usa, China dll selain itu juga mendukung Special Fungtions Scanner ini Berbasiskan system/OS android bisa menggunkan Tablet maupun Hp Android, dan dapat diistalkan ke banyak Tablet atau hp Original Launch X431 EasyDiag Full Software Plus Key Specifications Launch x431 EasyDiag dari Launch untuk android adalah Scanner Diagnostik, yang memiliki akses pada system kendaran di peruntukkan untuk para teknisi frofesional dalam mendiagnosis all system termasuk system immo dengan berbasiskan system android maka menampilakan Menu yang sangat praktis...

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

New ATSG 2012 FlashDisk 8GB

New ATSG 2012 FlashDisk  8GB NEW ATSG 2012 (Automatic Transmisi Service Group Repair Information) manual perbaikan Transmisi Otomatis dan transmisi mekanik AT dan MT mendiagnosa dari semua jenis A T dan M T (otomatis dan transmisi mekanik). Pedoman atau repair manual Transmisi meliputi : • Prosedur perbaikan, • Diagnosa, • Service • Pembongkaran Transmisi • Perakitan Transmisi • Informasi Transmisi AT atau Manual NEW ATSG 2012 (Automatic Transmissions Service Group Repair Information) repair manuals The program ATSG contains technical bulletins, seminars and other information from the firm Automatic Transmision Service Group on repair and maintenance of automatic transmissions Atsg (Automatic Transmissions Service Group...

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2016

Download Autodata 3.45

Download Autodata 3.45 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8rZSyxC8hkGRnpOOG5zU1hoLWc Work 100% Autodata 3.45 Flash Drive Adata 8GB Autodata Include 3.45 Flash Drive Support Windows XP, Windows 7 32 bit dan 64 bit Autodata atau software autoservice merupakan kumpulan data teknis mobil Eropa, Amerika, Asia, China, dlll. yang berfungsi sebagai referensi data  atau pedoman data, yang kini dipakai oleh semua bengkel modern yang telah terkomputerisasi, berisi data mobil sampai dengan tahun 2014 Penambahan Fitur Autodata 3.45 dibandingkan 3,38 dapat anda lihat atau download di: http://www.4shared.com/office/u6_tIBxiba/Whats_new_in_Autodata_345.html Autodata untuk melihat Data teknik mobil antara lain : • Momem pengencangan...

Kamis, 06 Oktober 2016

BDM 100 CMD Fgtech Ktag Kess V2

BDM 100 CMD Fgtech Galletto 4 Master Ktag Kess V2 BDM Frame With Aapters Works For BDM Programmer /CMD 100 Full Sets Fits For FGTECH bdm100 use for ktag k-tag ECU programmer tool FGTech Galletto 2-Master this new system developed with high-speed USB2 technology is the fastest and most secure product on the market, it is easy to install and use by anyone. Our system comes furnished complete with all Car, Truck, Motorbyke, Marine, BDM MPCxx , BDM Boot Mode , checksum. BDM MPCxx, BDM Boot Mode Tricore, checksum. This item cannot only work as FGTech Galletto 4-Master, but can also work for BDM-TriCore-OBD. Descriptions for FGTech Galletto 4-Master BDM-TriCore-OBDFGTECH GALLETTO 4  MASTER ( BDM-TriCore-OBD ) (MPC5xx - EDC17 - Infineon TriCore...

Minggu, 02 Oktober 2016

KWP2000 Chip Tuning Tool PLUS Ecu Flahser

KWP2000 Chip Tuning Tool KWP2000 ECU PLUS  Flahser KWP2000 Chip Tuning Tool KWP2000 ECU PLUS  Flahser With stable performance and efficient service  K2000 KWP2000+ ECU Plus FlasherFunctions: This Kit can be used to read and write flash dumps of the most recent ECU's It is very easy to use - You need only a PC with Windows and a USB port. Petrol Vehicles (Naturally Aspirated) Remapping a petrol engine ECU will increase 10 - 15% BHP depending on exact specification, the engine will also be more responsive on initial acceleration and produce more torque (up to 20%) through out the entire rev range, giving more response on lighter throttle. Petrol Vehicles (Turbo) Remapping a petrol turbo engine ECU will increase...

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2016

Cable Adaptor OBD1 to OBD2 for X431 Easydiag iDiag

Cable Adaptor OBD1 to OBD2 for X431 Easydiag iDiag pro3 Launch X431 Yellow Box Connectors Cable adaptor connector OBD1 to OBD2 for X431 Easydiag iDiag Auto Diag 1. for Launch X431 Diagun III 2. for Launch X431 Esydiag / iDiag / Auto Diag X431 iDiag / Diagun III Connector Set Package: It is OBDI to OBD2 connector for X431 Esydiag  iDiag series, the software you purchased from DBSCAR website supports old car models but the X431 iDiag main unit only has OBD2. So if you need do car models older than 1996 year, then you will need this connector set package. Launch X431 Yellow Box Connector Set Package list: 1pc x DBScar, BENZ-38 diagnostic connector 1pc x DBScar, DAEWOO-12 diagnostic connector integrated 1pc x DBScar,AUDI-4...

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