

Kamis, 23 Maret 2017

12V Foxwell BT100 Vehicle Battery Tester Analyzer Baterai Accu Tester

12V Foxwell BT100 Vehicle Battery Tester Analyzer  Baterai Accu Tester Foxwell BT100 Analyzer Battery Baterai Accu Tester Analiser  12 Volt The Foxwell BT100 is a simple to use car battery analyser, which gives a quick assessment of the health and charge level of your battery. The tool will immediately give a voltage reading on connection to the battery. Then by simply answering a few on-screen questions (such as whether the battery is in the vehicle, the type of battery, the battery standard and the rated CCA), it will give a more comprehensive assessment. Functions: 1. The BT100 will report: 2. Measured voltage 3. Measured CCA (Cold Cranking Amps) 4. Rated CCA 5. SOC (State Of Charge) percentage 6. SOH...

Selasa, 21 Maret 2017

Launch M-Diag Lite Plus for iOS and Android

100% Original Launch M-Diag Lite Plus for iOS and Android Built-in Bluetooth  OBDII with Mdiag Quick Detail: M-Diag is an easy to use OBDII diagnostic tool designed with the professional technician in mind. The device is small and portable, yet powerful enough to rival its competitors. Users have the option to purchase manufacturer specific carline software based on their needs. This feature allows for full-system diagnostics including bi-directional capabilities, quickly and easily from the convenience of your smart phone. Launch scanner M-Diag Features 1.I/M Readiness Monitor 2.Read DTC’s 3.Clear DTC’s 4.Read Freeze Frame Data 5.Read and Graph Data Stream PID’s 6.Full System Scan * 7.Actuation Tests 8: Special Functions 9....

Minggu, 19 Maret 2017

Bagaimana Solusi Vpecker Wifi SSID Berubah Menjadi HF-LPT120

Bagaimana solusi Vpecker Wifi SSID berubah HF-LPT120 Scanner Vpecker standartnya nama ssid wifi terdetect sesuai serial...akan tetapi kadang kala setelah update Nama SSID berubah menjadi HF-LPT120, untuk itu diperlukan configurasi ulang wifi berikut langkah langkah konfigurasi wifi vpecker Langkah 1: Hubungkan WIFI "HF-LPT120" secara manual Step2: Jalankan Software Vpecker_Wifi_Upgrade_V6.2 Step3: Klik "Update" tunggu proses update Step4: Klik "Wifi Conf" tombol Step5: Matikan atau OFF Vpecker Step6' Hidupkan Vpecker atau ON lagi...

Senin, 13 Maret 2017

NEC D16861GS Ignition Driver IC SSOP-24 NEW AND ORIGINAL

NEC D16861GS Ignition Driver IC SSOP-24 NEW AND ORIGINAL Driver Chip  D16861GS D16861 Automotive Electronics IC Full Range Agus Yulianto Perum Puri Astapada Indah 2 Blok K No:6 Plosogeneng Kec Jombang, Kab.Jombang, Jawa Timur 61416 Indonesia Alamat Lokasi toko/rumah Google map https://goo.gl/maps/7NZ4HMSYvvJ2 Hp.  0813-3278-7811 0857-4623-3838 Kantor  0321-85284...

Rabu, 08 Maret 2017

Pneumatic PCF 6MM-1/4 Air Fitting For 6MM To 1/4"

Pneumatic PCF 6MM-1/4 Air Fitting For 6MM To 1/4"  Female Straight One Touch Push In Quick Fitting Connector PCF 6-02 Tueb Size:6MM Thread Size: 1/4" https://www.bukalapak.com/p/mobil-part-dan-aksesoris/aksesoris-mobil/peralatan-perkakas-mobil/7lpqtj-jual-pneumatic-pcf-6mm-1-4-air-fitting-for-6mm-to-1-4 https://www.tokopedia.com/obd2/quick-fitting-connector-pcf-6-02-6mm-14inch?n=1 Agus Yulianto Perum Puri Astapada Indah 2 Blok K No:6 Plosogeneng Kec Jombang, Kab.Jombang, Jawa Timur 61416 Indonesia Alamat Lokasi toko/rumah Google map https://goo.gl/maps/7NZ4HMSYvvJ2 Hp.  0813-3278-7811 0857-4623-3838 Kantor  0321-852845 Web  : www.obd2jatim.com Blog  : http://agusyulianto2.blogspot.com http://obd2murah.blogspot.com http://Toolsteknik.blogspot.com Tokopedia https://www.tokopedia.com/obd2 Bukalapak https://www.bukalapak.com/agusyulianto Facebook...

Selasa, 07 Maret 2017

XTUNER X500 Original Special Function Diagnostic

XTUNER X500 Original Special Function Diagnostic  Tool works with Andriod Phone Xtuner-X500 Powerful multiple functions like OILRESET, DPF, BATTERY, ABS BLEEDING, EPB TPMS, IMMO&KEY, INJECTOR covered most of brands including. American European Asian Australian and Chinese vehicle makes. • Unparalleled OBD supporting capability for all 5 OBD protocols and 10 testing modes. • Hardware architecture uses a brand-new design for such protection functions as interference and stability. Built-in overvoltage protection module is available in order to protect scanner and vehicle against accidental damage during checking. • Stable and smooth working in high and low temperature environment. • Convenient and timely online software updating on...

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