

Jumat, 15 Desember 2017

Double Nipple Dobel Drat Nepel Kuningan 1/4 Inch

Double Nipple Dobel Drat Nepel Kuningan 1/4 Inch   Double nipple dobel drat 1/4inch  Ukuran 1/4"x1/4" Tipe drat luar Bahan Kuningan Catatan ‘ Cocok untuk drat Housing Nanotech yang biasanya digunakan untuk Carbon Cleaner Agus Yulianto Perum Puri Astapada Indah 2 Blok K No:6 Plosogeneng Kec .Jombang, Kab.Jombang, Jawa Timur 61416 Indonesia Alamat Lokasi toko/rumah Google map https://goo.gl/maps/7NZ4HMSYvvJ2 Hp.  0813-3278-7811 Kantor  0321-852845 Web  : www.obd2jatim.com Blog  : http://agusyulianto2.blogspot.com http://obd2murah.blogspot.com http://Toolsteknik.blogspot.com Tokopedia https://www.tokopedia.com/obd2 Bukalapak https://www.bukalapak.com/agusyulianto Facebook Agus Yuli Obd ...

Kamis, 14 Desember 2017

Selang PU 4x6 mm Merk Liskam Pneumatic Hose Polyurethane

Selang PU 4x6 mm Merk Liskam , Pneumatic Hose / Polyurethane Liskam Selang PU / Pneumatic Hose / Polyurethane 4mm x 6mm Selang PU Merk Liskam dikenal tahan terhadap tekanan tinggi. Biasa digunakan untuk mesin Pneumatic dan lain-lain Harga per meter 8.000 Warna Clear transparantan Ukuran 4mm X 6mm Diameter Dalam 4mm Diameter Luar 6mm Merk Liskam made in Taiwan Agus Yulianto Perum Puri Astapada Indah 2 Blok K No:6 Plosogeneng Kec .Jombang, Kab.Jombang, Jawa Timur 61416 Indonesia Alamat Lokasi toko/rumah Google map https://goo.gl/maps/7NZ4HMSYvvJ2 Hp.  0813-3278-7811 Kantor  0321-852845 Web  : www.obd2jatim.com Blog  : http://agusyulianto2.blogspot.com http://obd2murah.blogspot.com http://Toolsteknik.blogspot.com Tokopedia https://www.tokopedia.com/obd2 Bukalapak https://www.bukalapak.com/agusyulianto Facebook...

Minggu, 10 Desember 2017

Chip IC Eprome 24C01 24C02 24C04 24C08 24C16 24C32 93C46 93C56 93C66 93C86

Chip IC Eprome 24C01 24C02 24C04 24C08 24C16 24C32 93C46 93C56 93C66 93C86  Chip IC Eeprom 24C01 24C02 24C04 24C08 24C16 24C32 93C46 93C56 93C66 93C86 Agus Yulianto Perum Puri Astapada Indah 2 Blok K No:6 Plosogeneng Kec .Jombang, Kab.Jombang, Jawa Timur 61416 Indonesia Alamat Lokasi toko/rumah Google map https://goo.gl/maps/7NZ4HMSYvvJ2 Hp.  0813-3278-7811 Kantor  0321-852845 Web  : www.obd2jatim.com Blog  : http://agusyulianto2.blogspot.com http://obd2murah.blogspot.com http://Toolsteknik.blogspot.com Tokopedia https://www.tokopedia.com/obd2 Bukalapak https://www.bukalapak.com/agusyulianto Facebook Agus Yuli Obd Jatim https://www.facebook.com/obd...

Mini Printer Launch X431 Easydiag Idiag Mdiag V/V+/X431 Pro Wi Fi

Mini Printer Launch X431 Easydiag Idiag Mdiag V/V+/X431 Pro Wi Fi  Launch X431 Easydiag Idiag V V+ PRO, WIFI Mini Printer Universal Full System  High quality Product  Description: Launch x431 V V+ PROWIFI Mini printer can be used to record and print the diagnostic results at any time by the users. It not only provides the  convenience for the users, but also improves the operational performance for x431 serial  product. Launch X431 V Wifi/Bluetooth Full System Tablet Scanner Vehicle Diagnostic Tool. Original Launch Products. Launch X431 MINI PRO Wifi/Bluetooth OBD2 EOBD Full System Tablet Diagnostic Tool. LAUNCH X431 V Wifi/Bluetooth Tablet Auto All System OBD Diagnostic w/Adapter. Package list: 1pc X Color...

Selasa, 05 Desember 2017

SBB Silca + Mini Zed Bull Key Programmer V33.02 SBB V508 Smart ZedBull Auto Key Pro Maker Transponder No Tokens

Full Set SBB Silca + Mini Zed Bull Key Programmer V33.02 SBB V508 Smart ZedBull Auto Key Pro Maker Transponder No Tokens Item 1:SBB 1.SBB Features:    1. SBB Key Programmer software Version:V33.02(or called V33)         Note: V33/V33.02/V33.2 is the same version, just it is called differently.    2. Suppports Multi-Brand Cars on different year(we have SBB car list,if u need please send me message on trader message or email ,we will send u PDF file )    3. No Tokens Limited when using    4. Copy one ,made in China,CAN'T update otherwise device will damaged only send back to repair.    5. Multi-languages:Italian/German/French/English/Spanish/Greek/Portuguese/Turkish/Russian SBB-menu 2.SBB...

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