

Jumat, 23 Februari 2018

Car Key Ecu Test Coil Signal Detection

Car Key Ecu Test Coil Signal Detection Car Key Coil Test Induction Signal Detection Mendiagnosis  key coil Immobilizer atau dikenal dengan  Immo Car Key Coil Testl ini dapat digunakan untuk semua mobil yang menggunakan system keamanan dengan immo. Prosedur pengetesan system immo yang sangat simple hanya didekatkan ke kunci dan di kontack, lampu led pada “Car Key Coil Test” akan menyala, ini menandakan bahwa system immobilizer Normal…akan tetapi jika lampu led tidak menyala bisa dipastikan system immo mengalami masalah.. Description: - Supply of automotive ECU detection coil. It applies to all cars tested with the use of [security] chip induction coil. - As long as the line trap on the ignition switch, turn on [to try]. LED...

Selasa, 13 Februari 2018

Tactrix Openport 2.0 Dengan ECU FLASH Excellent Tactrix Openport2.0 Mendiagnosis Tuning Chip ECU Mobil Multi-Brand

Tactrix Openport 2.0 Dengan ECU FLASH Excellent Tactrix Openport2.0 Mendiagnosis Tuning Chip ECU Mobil Multi-Brand Tactrix Openport 2.0 Kabel ECUFLASH Untuk T-oyota, Untuk J-aguar Dan Untuk Diagnosis L-andRover Catatan : • Bagi yang belum terbiasa Update ,,,,Jangan di Update secara online, • Putuskan koneksi internet, Disable Internet • Non aktifkan Anti Virus Atau Uninstalanti virus • OS,, Windows XP / Win 7 32bits System 32 Bit Top 5 Reasons To Get Tactrix Openport 2.0+ECUFLASH 1.Field upgradeable software 2.Standalone datalogs to microSD / microSDHC card without a laptop 3.Supports these major OBD protocols:CAN 2.0 (CAN/ISO15765) and K-line (ISO9141/ISO14230(KWP2000)/dual K line) 4.Tactrix Openport 2.0 can works for Toyota,...

Selasa, 06 Februari 2018

Launch Golo Easydiag+ Plus Free 2 Car Professional Enhanced

Launch Golo Easydiag+  Plus Free 2 Car Professional Enhanced Catatan : Golo easydiag plus gratis software 2 mobil dan eobd2 Compared with professional handheld scan tool, Golo Easydiag+ offers economical and cost-effective solution for auto mechanics. Having full access to electronic control modules, Users can view data, read and clear CEL and enhanced codes, and perform bi-directional controls on virtually all proprietary systems. Its ultra-portability makes it the perfect go-to code reader and reset tool for today’s auto enthusiasts. Golo easydiag+ Premium comes with 2 free carline software.Throught the intuitive interface, users can purchase and download specific special tools or carline software directly according to their own...

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