

Kamis, 29 Agustus 2019

Original Mata solder Lancip Runcing CODY

Original Mata solder Lancip Runcing CODY Mata solder Lancip CODY Mata solder ini sangat kuat dan tahan lama,, tahan terhadap temperatur tingggi,  mudah untuk dilepas dan dipasang kembali, dan mempunyai ujung yang lancip dan runcing...

Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2019

Dimmer AC 2000W 2000 Watt Voltage Regulator Speed Controller

Dimmer AC 2000W 2000 Watt Voltage Regulator Speed Controller Deskripsi 2000W SCR Electronic Voltage Regulator Speed Controller Dimmer Thermostat Features: 1. Special design with 1.6 thick FR - 4 high temperature resistant circuit board. 2. It is safety and reliable to cope with large current. 3. Double capacity design: Safety capacitor and Metal film capacitor to protect SCR more effective. More efficiency and more safety. 4. 1.5 thick aluminum and stainless steel case, more suitable for family temperature control or speed control and industrial enterprises to use. 5. Beautiful and easy, safe, convenient, high quality products. It will not rust after long time using. 6. Mainly fit for the resistive loads, eg. lights. Specifications: Voltage...

Rabu, 21 Agustus 2019

DS1302 Real Time Clock Module RTC DS 1302 Arduino Termasuk Baterai

DS1302 Real Time Clock Module RTC DS 1302 Arduino Termasuk Baterai Module Real Time Clock (RTC) yang berbasis IC DS1302 dari Dallas. Sudah termasuk 1 pcs batere CR2032, tegangan 3v, kapasitas 260mAh, secara teori bisa bertahan hingga 10 tahun. DS1302 adalah IC hemat daya yang menggunakan energi kurang dari 1 mW (arus yang dikonsumsi kurang dari 0,33A). Pada modul ini energi penjaga waktu (time keeping) dipasok oleh baterai CR2032 yang sudah termasuk dalam paket. • Memiliki kemampuan menghitung waktu real time hingga tahun Memiliki kemampuan penyesuaian jumlah hari/bulan untuk tahun kabisat • Menyediakan informasi waktu berupa detik, menit, jam, tanggal, minggu, bulan, dan tahun • Dapat menyesuaian dengan tahun kabisat • Format waktu dapat...

Selasa, 20 Agustus 2019

Original Drive Chip MC33186DH1 33186 DH HSOP 20 Car Driver Idle

Original Drive Chip MC33186DH1 33186 DH HSOP 20 Car Driver Idle  MC33186DH1 POLO Auto ECU board drive chip is automobile engine idling Module drive chip, it is easily damaged parts on Auto ECU Circuit Board,  MC33186DH1 Car computer board driver IC can repair damaged automotive ECU board idling drive chip. H-Bridge Driver The 33186 is a monolithic H-Bridge ideal for fractional horsepower DC-motor and bi-directional thrust solenoid control. The IC incorporates internal control logic, charge pump, gate drive, and lowR DS(ON) MOSFET output circuitry. The 33186 is able to control continuous inductive DC load currents up to 5.0 A. Output loads can be pulse width modulated (PWM-ed) at frequencies up to 10 kHz. The 33186 is parametrically...

Jumat, 09 Agustus 2019

Buk9535 9535 34A 55V 127 Mosfet N Channel Field Effect Transistor TO220

Buk9535 9535 34A  55V 127 Mosfet N Channel Field Effect Transistor TO220 MOSFET N-CH 55V 34A TO220AB N-Channel 55V 34A (Tc) 85W (Tc) Through Hole TO-220AB Feature: Logic Level Gate Drain to Source Voltage (Vdss):55V Current - Continuous Drain (Id) @ 25°:34A Rds On (Max) @ Id- Vgs:32 mOhm @ 25A- 10V Vgs(th) (Max) @ Id:2V @ 1mA Gate Charge (Qg) @ Vgs Package Include : 1 X Buk9535 9...

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