Original ST 95128 ST95128 ECU CAR Eprom Flash SOP 8Features Summary :• SPI Bus Compatible Serial Interface• Supports Positive Clock SPI Modes• 5 MHz Clock Rate (maximum)• Single Supply Voltage:– 4.5V to 5.5V for M95xxx– 2.7V to 3.6V for M95xxx-V– 2.5V to 5.5V for M95xxx-W– 1.8V to 3.6V for M95xxx-SStatus Register• Hardware Protection of the Status Register• BYTE and PAGE WRITE (up to 64 Bytes)• Self-Timed Programming Cycle• Resizeable Read-Only EEPROM Area• Enhanced ESD Protection• More than 100,000 Erase/Write Cycles• More than 40 Year Data RetentionDESCRIPTIONThese SPI-compatible electrically erasable programmable memory (EEPROM) devices are organized as 32K x 8 bits (M95256) and 16K x 8 bits (M95128), and operate down to 2.7 V (for the -V...